Bet you haven't seen a post about the royal wedding yet!... NOT! But seriously guys, I loved so many things and then I didn't really like some other things. So, since I am Canadian and since Canada was once Britain and our money has the Queens face one it, here is a tribute to the Royal wedding and all of its surprises... even the not so good ones.
The dress... the train... how PERFECT!
The makeup... not so thrilled. For a do it yourself job you will be in front of millions I think she did great... but the eye liner is a little gothic for me.
Pleased audience... not so pleased flower girl.
Cute, appropriate hat Joss Stone
Not appropriate and embarrassing Eugenie and Beatrice... and the names Eugenie and Beatrice
Beautiful sister in a gorgeous gown
Ex girlfriend of Prince Harry... not the cutest.
Perfect couple aside from the bride and groom
Not so perfect, definitely conniving "I look like a horse" step mother and father. I hate them both.
Out of the whole thing, this is my favorite picture. They are totally sharing a face with each other. Tyler and I shared a face... they are sharing a face. I LOVE IT!
Thanks for humoring me you guys. I feel a lot better now that I have my royal wedding picture critique off my chest. You should also know that I stole 100% of these pictures from hopefully I don't get into legal trouble over that.
Stay tuned... next week I'll probably write about OUR FIRST HOUSE!!!!!!!!