Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Love is... a letter

The following is a true story, or rather, a true letter. This came to my place of employment (I work for an ENT). This is not a joke.

Dear Sir or Madam:
My name is - - - and I need your help.

I have not sneezed in months and I am terribly worried. Should I be?? I have bled. I have vomited. I even had several seizures but not once have I sneezed. I usually sneeze once a day right after breakfast. I look forward to it. It is something I can count on and I am good at. Therefore, can you prescribe me a medication which will cause me to sneeze? If not should I just go out and get the flu?

I spoke with this guy I know that knows someone that knows a doctor's secretary personally about this to get an opinion. Unfortunately the secretary is on vacation and the guy that knows the guy that knows the secretary is being evasive. So now I am writing you. Won't you please help?

Thank you for reading and responding to my letter.

Your friend,

- - -

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Love is... A confession

I must confess... I've been neglecting the blog on purpose. I apologize. I wanted my next post to be magazine worthy pictures of our beautiful new home. Rest assured folks, it's in the works but I'm just not all the way there yet. I need my father in law to come back and use his superhero talent of hanging pictures symetrically one more time before our house becomes a home. And I need to finish Festus' room. Festus, also referred to as the Fest or the Stoos, is the baby in my belly. He is currently 33 weeks old. He's pretty much his fathers son. Anyway, as soon as those things happen, the pictures will happen. So, to hold you over during the finishing touches, I've compiled some short stories and pictures of the past little while.

Poor Tyler had to fix my car... again. He worked so hard! It is so nice to have a husband that will do what it takes to solve a problem. He even drove me to work for two days until my car was fixed.

Tyler recently took me up to the outlet shops in Park City. We all got some things. We being Tyler, me, and the Fest. These are Tylers sweet JCrew socks.

This is just me demonstrating that I don't have toes anymore.
Tyler is playing in an indoor soccer league! It is really fun to go and watch him play. He plays on a team with Spencer DeMann which in effect means that Kalie and I get to sit with each other and hang out! She is also so very patient in teaching me the ways of indoor soccer.

Lastly, but not leastly... we went up with Emma and Ike to their cabin for Isaac's birthday. Emma was so prepared! We had lunch out on the deck and went four wheeling and had scrumptious tinfoil dinners and cupcakes (because Emma is the cupcake QUEEN) and s'mores. It was SO much fun.