Monday, February 27, 2012

Love is... the red carpet

Before I begin, let me just wish my sexy, handsome, patient, athletic, talented, hard working, spiritual, patient, loving, quirky husband a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! He is the big 25!
Anyway, yes. It is true. I have yet, another academy awards post. Can I just tell you all that I LOVE them? I mean, I really love them. There is nothing better. Okay, that's not entirely true... but they are pretty awesome. Next year cute Kalie and I are hosting an Oscar party and you are all cordially invited. Anyway, are you ready for my best/worst dress recap?? Good. Me too.
Starting off with the worst dressed, my dear Maya Rudolph... really? I feel like she is wearing a purple sweater dress with random blinged out sleeves.
Melissa McCarthy. You are cute. Darling really. And freakin' hilarious. Even though she is a little bit more round in the middle, I feel like this dress didn't flatter her at all! Maybe it's the color...
Best Dressed

Seriously, let's talk about all the amazing ladies from "The Help". They STOLE the show. I felt like they were all brilliantly dressed.
Props to Viola Davis for going natural with her hair!
Octavia Spencer... one of my faves
Jessica Chastain - I LOVE it
Emma Stone - who, by the way, I believe stole the show. Her cute little monologue about how excited she was... too adorable. At first I wasn't a fan, but then my brother-in-law Jamo pointed out how lovely of a color she was wearing... and then it was just true love from then on.
I just LOVE me some Gweneth Paltrow. Her jewelry = AMAZING!
Micelle Williams, what a doll!
Penelope Cruz. Elegant as always.

Thanks for bearing with me through, yet another Oscar post. I hope you will all play along with me next year as I make my guesses. Hopefully I remember to post my list of predictions the night before. This year I got 8 right... not too good. I'll be getting my movie on this coming year and be better prepared.

*Please note that all these beautiful images are shamelessly stolen from

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Love is... Judes room!

I have been wanting to post a mini tour of our little home for a while now and I have decided that Judes room is the first to be displayed! I will admit, I am extremely proud of his room. We pulled in some favors and I literally spent all 9 months of my pregnancy searching on Etsy for cute things!
Sweet drawing of Jude's name - courtesy of Natalie Hepworth
Represent! A Canadian moose from Uncle Jim and Aunt Nellie
My LP collection, finally on display like it deserves to be
Cute blanket thanks to Shauna's handiwork
My most favorite thing in the ENTIRE house - made possible by Tyler's Yesco connection and James and Whitney Fenn's good eye
Cute phone booth photo I found on Etsy - from England no less

Perfect vintage crib from Mike and Kris topped off with a darling striped blanket from Etsy

Monday, February 20, 2012

Love is... Rock out!

I just rocked OUT to Adele in my office, then I hippie swayed to Dave, and finally I tapped my feet to Riverdance. I love my varied music tastes and my caffeine consumption because who has two thumbs and just drank a deliciously hot beverage from Starbucks? This guy.
I won't tell you what it officially was though, so judge away you judgers!!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Love is... happy hearts day!

Happy hearts day (4 days ago)!! I know a lot of people claim to hate Valentines... I guess I am just not one of those cool people. I love LOVE! I love all holidays, especially Valentines day and this year was no exception. My day started out okay, but it was just one of those days where I was tired. Baby son had a hard night and Tyler and I agreed to just have a nice dinner at home so I really wasn't looking forward to anything. But... I got into work and...

A huge hearts day spread! What a guy!

You can't see them in these pics, but I also got a cuddly bear (passed on to the baby son of course) and some amazing V chocolate covered strawberries (passed on to no one but my belly). Thanks Ty!

I just loved all the love in the air and I went around the office taking pictures of everyone elses beautiful arrangements.

Tiffs blooms
Elainas blooms
Somehow I lost Karissas flowers but they were pretty!

I went over to my guy friend that I worked with and explained my situation of not having anything for Ty, since we had agreed not to buy anything and like an idiot I listed. We were debating on whether or not I should run to the mall and get Tyler something nice. One of the doctors (who shall remain nameless) shouted from his office "Don't spend any money". He came out of his office and explained that men would rather you not spend money. He said as long as I did something nice and not costly that I should be fine. The conversation ends as follows

L:Yeah Kat, just make him a nice dinner and that's all. He'll really appreciate it.
Dr: Well... that's not ALL.
L: What else is there?
Dr. Well, you know...
L: No... I don't know.
Kat: OKAY! Thanks guys. Nice dinner. No money. Got it.

Hahahaha I must have turned every shade of red imaginable! Thanks Dr. Blank for your advice.
Seriously though, dinner was nice and I loved the love of day! Here are some of my favorite Valentines this year.

Find more silly valentines here