Enter Jude... ready to be on his way.
The first thing after we got our rental, is drive around the parking lot. Okay, well Tyler drove. Kat driving a stick shift on the wrong side of the road is a recipe for disaster. Once he got his bearings back, we were on our way. We went to Oxford, which like an idiot I didn't take any pictures of, and I loved it. After Oxford, we headed to Peterborough and this is what our drive looked like. Yellow fields of rapeseed everywhere. AMAZING!
We stayed our first two nights with a family named the Walkers. I just love them. I wish we could have spent more time with them. They took us to the Borough house when we first arrived. It is the house found in The Haunting and the 5 hour Pride and Prejudice. It was amazing. We got to tour part of it and it was just out of control. I cannot believe that a family still lives there. The Borough house is in a village called Stamford. Oh my giddy aunt, it's beautiful. It's everything I would want out of life.
The next day we went to church at a ward that Tyler had attended on his mission. It was really nice to see people that he remembered and put faces to names. One lady he had baptized named Gloria was there and she was so happy to see him.When she "ELDER MORROW" and hugged him, I almost lost it in the middle of the foyer. For some reason it just hit me how much Tyler had given to this lady and how much he meant to her even after all this time. I saw him in a whole different light. After church we drove to The Chattsworth house (more to come) and Nottingham. On the way we saw these little beauties everywhere. Is this house just not meant for me?!
This is the Chattsworth house from the Pride and Prejudice with Kiera Knightly. It's one of our favorite movies.
Tyler and his kingdom.
Riddle me this... how do two cars drive down this road going at least 30mph if not more. I don't know either, but I closed my eyes a lot.
This is another family that Tyler knew on his mission. He baptized Sally and Rob on the same day they were married.
This is what Joe calls the sumo face.
Don't worry, Jude liked it.
This little buddy is named Alfie. He was my best pal on this trip and I miss him dearly. He always came and cuddled me in morning. He loved Jude ( I think... or envied him. We're not sure) Either way, Alfs was pretty sure that all of Judes toys were his and they played a lot of tug.
This is the room we stayed in. Lorraine Walker has the best decorating taste ever and her house was so cute and when she comes to Utah I am crossing my fingers that she will take me and help me turn our humble abode into something I can be proud of.
Windsor Castle. That was, once again, incredible to tour. We also happened to be there at the same time as the Royal family. While touring, one of the dining rooms was set up for a dinner with a sign that said something about setting up for a private function that evening. Later that day I read on People that they had a dinner there. Saweet!
Look at how sexy he looks drinking his hot chocolate and looking at Buckingham Palace.
How amazing is this. We're just right outside of Hyde park. In downtown London. DOWNTOWN!!! Why can't we have that in Utah?
This is Tylers little goose bird type thing friend that followed him for about two blocks.
The tower of London. We saw the crown jewels which were just ridiculous.
Rumor has it, this is where Anne Boleyn was beheaded. Rumor as in I think I overheard a tour guide saying that.
The tower bridge
We basically took the Underground everywhere in London since is costs 50 pounds to drive in Downtown London.
This little beauty is called a pass - ty. Not to be confused with a pasty. Which is was I initially called it. Party foul Kat. It is a delicious pastry type thing filled with cheese and onions. They actually have these in heaven. I've dreamt about it.
On our last day in England, we went to Nottinghill. We loved it. I would live there. If I were rich and important. Or just rich.
I had fish and chips in England twice and am currently in the market of looking for a semi good one in Utah. Because it is all I crave. Besides the passty.
My second most favorite thing about the trip besides the Walkers. Platform 9 and 3/4. Just a heads up to anyone as die hard as me... This platform is NOT really on platform 9.... It is just outside of it. Don't do anything crazy...