Yeah guys, it's only 10am and I am already deep in thought. I have come to a few conclusions and made a few discoveries. So far this morning has been really productive. Something about herbal tea and Dave Matthews makes you feel like an invincible hippie that could probably solve world hunger if given enough time (yes, I realize I kind of just described a drug induced psychosis... but see! All you need is Dave).
1. Fall is the best season. I am starting to feel a crisp in the air. I am counting down the days to my sweaters and fuzzy socks. My pumpkin and apple spiced induced cooking and my pre-Thanksgiving tree decorating.
2. Babies are pretty sure that their toys are boring and everything you tell them to not touch, is what belongs to them. Plus, I think Jude is starting the tantrum phase of babyhood...
3. Sons of Anarchy is one of the best TV shows ever. It is full of drugs and violence. I dare you to find me a better combo.
1. I love family things. Which is really random, because I am quite shy. Yesterday we had a Morrow fam parTAY. When I say fam, I don't just mean Mike and Kris' family, I mean all the Morrows. It was great. People played volleyball. Children chased each other and drew with chalk. My little guy cried when I tried to set him on the ground because, lets be honest, nothing is more terrifying than grass?
2. Tyler works for the CIA or the FBI. I haven't quite pinpointed which it is. And here's why. He is never really "at work" and never answers when I phone him, but he always phones right back. He stays in great shape but never has time to work out. Obviously he has been chasing criminals. There are weapons hidden all around our house. I can't list them, because that's probably breaking some rule that I don't know about because he hasn't come out of the closet, as it were... for my own safety of course. I'd be an awful wingman.
3. I clearly have too much time to think.