For his birthday we (I) decided to throw a Wild Things party. He likes to read The Wild Things and so do I. It had been a favorite for a long time. I really tried to keep it low key, and truly I think that I did, except for the giant mural I decided to paint. Even still, it was pretty easy and it was fun to do while watching our football games.
My mom sewed the cutest crown for Jude so he could be the king of all the wild things. She also helped me sew a part to one of his presents (more to come). Kris brought the IBC drinks and no party is complete with a beverage that looks like a beer. Emma, who makes the yummiest treats, brought mint brownies. If you haven't ever had her mint brownies, you need to go over to her blog RIGHT NOW and click on the picture of the cupcakes on the right. I took some over to the neighbors and they needed the recipe asap. Natalie came over early and helped me decorate. She also helped me with the cake balls and brought a delicious broccoli cheese soup. I would be so lost without her.
For the birthday day of action, my parents came over and brought him a gift to open and watched him blow out his two candles. My mom made him a quiet book. It has all sorts of "quiet" activities to help him with his church energy and just all around learning. There's a Mr. Potato Head page and he is in love.
Jude loves the mouse so for his birthday breckie I made Mickey Mouse pankcakes. I got one, Jude got one, and Cougar got one. It was a celebration for all.
Like I said, I kept it low key except for the mural. It was actually super easy to paint that. I ordered a projector from Amazon and she runs like a dream. I traced the outline onto this cardboard box, painted it, and then Tyler cut the holes in the faces.
We just had so much fun this day and are so grateful for everyone that attended.