Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Love is... laughing

"Live life hysterically, and at the top of your lungs" - Ray Bradbury

I love that quote. I try to live that way, although sometimes I do fall short. Love really is laughing though. Being able to laugh at the situations you find yourself in, and the things that come your way, and just being about to laugh with each other at just about anything. Ty does a really great job at helping me laugh, even if it's not always on purpose.
My puppy makes me laugh. In case you're curious, I believe in reincarnation because my little boy is Napoleon reincarnated. So far, Napoleon is not doing so well this second time around. Cougar(my dog) is so spoiled that I am almost embarrassed. He refuses to eat unless my parents sprinkle grated cheese on top of his breakfast. He sun bathes on the lounge chair my parents bought. He has his own queen sized bed and barks at anyone that thinks they're going to share it with him. He shares with no one and does not come when he is called. He get mad if you don't share some of your food and vehemently refuses to let you trim his nails. But he is so peculiar he makes me laugh, and at the end of the day... he really does love you even though he's a diva.
Also... youtube makes me laugh. Tyler and I have had many a youtube sessions just because it is a wonderful pick me up. If you are ever having a down day... try searching one of these on youtube.

david at the dentist
charlie bit me
beyonce single ladies dance (look for the larger man in a black leotard)
the gay referee
women driving.
laughing baby (it's titled "hahaha")
evil eye

I know I am missing a lot... but those are the basics. Also, failblog.com is another way to boost your spirits.

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