Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Love is... best friends

Dear Whitney Nelson Fenn,
I miss you. I miss your sense of humor and love for life. I never question anything in my life when you are around. I miss Bigfork and Father Bruce and the lake house. I miss your awesome family and their outrageous sense of humor. I miss playing with Jake and Savanna. I wish we still lived together... or at least next door. We could do every craft in your Martha Stewart craft book that James gave to you... that Tyler would never dare give to me. We could watch Paula Deen together and create new recipes. Maybe someday I will buy that old house in Provo, and we can turn that shed in the backyard into the potting shed we talked about. I think about you always and miss you even more than that.

Dear Emlen Birch Ricks,
I miss you. I miss your kindness and the peaceful feeling you bring into a room. I miss you the fun you always bring to the adventures we have had. I miss your crazy sense of style and your artistic talents. I miss having someone who always knows the perfect thing to say. I wish we could go shopping together at Anthropologie and Urban Outfitters. I miss having a kindred spirit who loves all things bohemian and vintage like I do. Maybe someday we will live next door to each other and you can teach me how to be so amazing. We can have an art studio and paint all the pictures that we want to. You can tell me not to dye my hair black because I will look too
much like a dead person. I think about you always and miss you even more than that.

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