Monday, October 25, 2010

Love is... snug as a bug

How about this weather! Yes, I know... how original. But seriously! I have learned first hand that old buildings and crazy wind storms do not go together. Last night sounded like the battle between Harry Potter and the Death Eaters. It was INSANE! I woke up to high pitched wind and rattling windows complete with thunder and lighting! I must have been awake for hours thinking that any minute a tornado was going to hit. I sincerely feared for mine and Tylers lives! And the only place we could go to was our closet. I was about 2 seconds away from making Tyler check the news for a tornado warning and then packing to our closet. When I woke Tyler up he looked at me with his eyes half open and said "mmm thats nice". That was it. 2 segundos later that boy was back to sleep, snug as a bug in a rug. Today when I told him about my tornado fear he scoffed and said "Kat. Tornados come from hot and cold air mixing together. Trust me, there is no hot air to be found at 1 am in October". Thanks Pal. Glad you have my back.
On a positive note, I did just buy myself a Barbie princess stories coloring book.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  3. Loved this post! I am very familiar with windstorms, tornadoes and closets! (Sorry, it took me 3 time to get my comment right - I am working on my blogging or lack of blogging skills.)

  4. for anyones information... this is roughly 85% correct.

  5. I love a good Harry Potter reference.

    You don't mind that I creep your blog, do you?
