Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Love is... ignorance is not bliss

Truly... ignorance is not bliss. Ask Michelle from Apple Valley, CA who recently sent this in to the BYU newspaper

Letter: Idol worship

I can’t walk across campus without hearing Jimmer Fredette’s name a dozen times. His name comes up everywhere: in class, at work, during lunch … really, people? Cut it out with the Jimmer worship. Last time I checked, idol worship was very much frowned upon in the scriptures.

Don’t you have a life to live? Then quit wasting it in front of the TV or in lines at the Marriott Center.

At the very least, stop trying to convert those of us who don’t follow BYU sports and don’t care that baseball and badminton are two different things. Pushing basketball on us isn’t going to make us like it any better.

I’m not blaming Jimmer for all this; was it Nephi’s fault in the Book of Mormon when his brothers worshiped him? As far as I’m concerned, Jimmer is perfectly free to live his dreams. If he reaches his goals and lives his dreams, more power to him. I would like the same courtesy from his fans: let me live my own dreams in peace, even if they don’t include ever sitting in the Marriott Center screaming my brains out.

Michelle Peralta
Apple Valley, Calif.

After she sent that in, she posted on facebook (http://dreamcatchermedia.com/jimmered) and after she posted on facebook, she received over 500 pro Jimmer comments and coincidentally got Jimmer Fredette more press on ESPN, CBS Sports, NBC Sports, and Yahoo Sports because his fans are so loyal... and SO funny. If you want to make your life better go through the comments. Here's a taste of my personal favorites:

"Looks like your facebook page just got Jimmered"

"Jimmer never said it would be easy, he only said it would be worth it"

"I noticed in your letter that you accidently forgot to capitalize some of your pronouns when you referred to The Jimmer. I am sure He doesn't appreciate that"

"Michelle, if you want to express you feelings directly to Jimmer feel free to e-mail him gmail@thejimmer.com"

"and on the 7th day... he scored 47 points"

1 comment:

  1. I may be a Utah fan, but I've definitely been Jimmered! (Is that against the Honor Code?)
