Thursday, June 2, 2011

Love is... addicted

Don't worry guys, I am still addicted to Target and Listverse, but! as the every expanding internet broadens its horizons, I must do the same. Ready for some new addictions? Probably not, because you will probably become addicted too....

Whole Foods

Lavender infused honey? Orange blossom cheese? Vegan hummus with oregano pita chips? Vegan peanut butter cookies? Fruit you'd sell your soul for? Where has this been all my life? I spent too much this week (on ALL vegan purchases) at Whole Foods. You should go. It will change your life. And your stomach.


What is this you ask? The best answer is to go here but if you don't have the time, let me explain. It is a place that has massive amounts of beautiful pictures that will "interest" you and therefore you can "pin" them to your board. You can have a board for anything that interests you. This is great because I love lots of things and I am always saving pictures to the laptop. This saves the laptop space, me organizing time, and Tyler an aneurism from looking at all my girly things.

The O.C.
Yes, I am a 22, almost 23, almost mother that is slowly becoming addicted to the OC. It started out innocently enough... I like the music they use in their soundtracks okay? Then I started watching youtube clips and before you know it I have added the first season to our Netflicks que. Needless to say Tyler is going to be thrilled. There's something about teenage angst to good music that captures the soul.


  1. i love the o.c.!!!!!!!!!!!!!! let's have a party and watch it. i love love pinterest and i'm pretty sure i would love whole foods if i shopped there. someday i will venture in...

  2. Almost mother? Did I miss something somewhere?

  3. :) I may be having a baby boy in September. P.S. your dad came up and introduced himself to me and my husband in church when I was visiting my parents. It was pretty funny.
