Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Love is... Season of LOVE

 We LOVE the rain here at the Morrow house. When it rained on Saturday, Jude and I went out and watched it. That evolved into playing in the puddles, which moved to the drain, which ended in the mud. It was a great time.

 This little buddy was scheduled for eye surgery tomorrow. While swimming in our pool earlier this year, he got something stuck in his eye. Conditions were perfect enough to make it require a surgical removal. I was getting really stressed about it and a bunch of other things were happening in our lives and then the Lord answered our prayers and the little speck was gone. We're so very grateful for healthy boys and answered prayers. 

 These screenshots have been sitting on my computer for a long time. I have been meaning to write about them, I just get a feeling of hysterical frustration every time I look at them. Long story short, it is about a woman who has a daughter that went to the movie "Warm Bodies" and decided to walk out. The reason she walked out is because of the people eating other people situation. She says, and I quote "Zombies are fake, but humans eating humans is not. North Koreans are being reported as eating their own".

Oh my................
     This is why I hate self righteous people. Props to that young girl for walking out of a movie. That is a hard thing to do.

No props to the woman who posted something so uneducated, racist, and bigoted.

BUT WAIT! There's more.

A friend comment on the status...
."Cannibalism is the reason we have mad cow disease. Why would anyone find that cute?"

Someone asked her to explain and this was her reply

"You shouldn't eat your own species. A pharmacist told me that mad cow disease started years ago in human cannibals and cows after cows ate an infected persons remains. It mutated and that is how cows got infected. She put it off as fact, but it could be a theory."

Sometimes. Well.... just sometimes.

Moral of the story. EDUCATE YOURSELVES. or more simply... Check yourself before you wreck you yourself.

Finally, on a super positive note, my cute friend JJ got married over the weekend to her girlfriend/now wife Ave. I have known JJ pretty well since pioneer trek way back in 2007. We then worked together and spent many a night laughing our way through some pretty crazy situations. I am so very happy for her!!!!


  1. Um... STOP. I have a screen shot of that EXACT SAME Facebook status on my phone. It just had to be shared. So funny.

    1. Haha yes!!!! I couldn't even believe it when I read it, and then reading the comments made it that much worse. I am SO glad you got to live th moment.

  2. Him with a sucker? That is one cute kid right there!

  3. i love jude! and you look waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too good to be on the trek in that photo. i was so scary on mine. i got a bug bite in the corner of my eye and it swelled up so big. yeah, embarrassing. so i'm glad you were a model on yours.
