That being said...
Obviously I still post occasionally on the Facebook and some of the time those posts are about my feelings. Recently I have posted about a woman's view on Frozen. In fact, I will admit that a large amount of what I recently post about on Facebook has to do with LGBT rights and marriage equality. This isn't a post about that, so don't feel like you have to stop reading. If you want to have that talk with me, that's fine too... but perhaps in person and not through blog comments.
Anyway, since posting my frustration and disgust with this person's post, I got a lot of "back lash". It was great enough that I felt like I needed to address it on my blog so my family and close friends could read about it and understand where I was coming from when I said what I said. To be clear, I will post what I wrote:
I thought about posting this "gem" last night and decided not to, then I woke up still irritated by it. This is why being LDS is so hard for me sometimes. It's not all the rules we follow and the numerous coffee drinks I have to give up, it's other members. I would never in a million years want to share anything in common with someone like this, let alone a religion.
1. Why I was frustrated: I was upset for two reasons, one more than the other. Firstly, the subject material in and of itself is just kind of ignorant and far reaching and that's the nicest thing that I can find to say about it. However, I accept different opinions and the freedom to express them. It doesn't mean that I won't vocalize my difference of opinion or my support, depending on what the issue is, but I value the freedom of speech and expression. Secondly, what made me angry enough to post it on Facebook was the title of her blog, which is "Well Behaved Mormon Woman". I, in NO way claim that I am a "well behaved" anything, let alone a well behaved mormon. In a side by side comparison, Kathryn Skaggs is probably a "better" mormon than I am. I freely and whole heartedly admit that. But regardless of her standing in the church, she should not be speaking for the LDS community as a whole. And her blog title does that, there is no way around it. Those are her personal feelings and like I said earlier, go for it, but don't try and speak on behalf of a religion. That is what I found extremely frustrating.
Which brings me to
2. The backlash: My parents had a few people ask them about my well being and activity in the church. "Is Kathryn struggling? Is she going through a hard time.." Well, no. I am not. And while I can thank you for thinking about me, this is really none of your business. I am old enough to form my own opinions and vocalize how I see fit without people from my old ward asking my parents "If I am struggling". Also, if I ever chose to leave the church, I will still be a normal human being and don't view myself as struggling or going through a hard time. If I ever again post something that makes you concerned enough for my salvation, please just shoot me a message on Facebook or something and I will gladly answer/clarify whatever questions you have... but don't tattle on me to my parents.
I also received some text and messages from people trying to reconvert me and "bring me back to the fold" without asking how I was feeling in the first place. This is also inappropriate. I do not need reconverting or intervention. And if I did, NONE of the people that did this are in a place to be that person. My parents and my husband are the only people that I am currently accepting unsolicited life advice from. Ironically enough, none of them ever vocalized a fear that my wool was getting any darker than it already is.
I have lost a couple of friends on Facebook and in life because of the things that I posted. And that's okay. They're doing what is best for them and I still love them. However, I don't take back anything that I have said and I still feel the same way.