Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Love is... the current events

Last week we took this little fish swimming. He freaks out every time we have to leave. Boy he loves the water.

Since he loves it so much, we decided to go with Amelia and Fern.. or Mia and Fewnie if you're name is Jude. He is in love guys. And so am I really.

We gave them a co-ed bath. Some looks of shock and surprise were shared when different "parts" were discovered. It was really funny. 

Young Jude has an obsession with the "green garbage truck" so every time we are at my parents house, my dad grabs him and runs outside to see it. They always wave at Jude and he thinks it is just the coolest.

We busted out our Canadian flags to hang in the window for the Olympics. 

Nat sent me this Valentine. The front of the card says "Dat Ass" 

Tyler threw me a Galentines and we made cookies together. He is just the sweetest.

Cougar unwillingly participated in Valentines.

I went out to my besties birthday and had a blast dancing to the 80's. And with this lovely lady. So much love in my heart. 

We went to the Copper Onion. It's true love. It's an out of body experience every time I eat my favorite cheese on the cheese plate. And then the dumplings. And the Chocolate pudding. And just things. 


  1. Aw, I love this. I love you. I love your perfect family. Thank you for an amazing birthday!
