Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Love is... celebrating the things I like

An ode of sorts... to the things I love. Sorry for the many pictures. This is even the edited version.

The fam

My pretty mom

This guy


Angelina Jolie

The Beatles... and the immortal genius of John Lennon
Laguna Beach... and LC... and her hair... and Jana Jacobs because she makes my hair nice

books, authors, poets, philosophers, lovers of live

hippies... peace, love, and happiness

sex :)


music... music... music. I cannot name everyone I love.

lace and vintage things

Paris. and Europe

horses, nature, and Canada


gummy candy


music and more music... and birds. i love birds.

Funny people


Obama and democrats and people that love other people... just kidding. about the last one

Yellow and lemonade and lemons

cooking, baking, and creating

curly fries

Glee and musicals

MAC makeup

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