Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Love is... a Holy War

I realize that every relationship out there has "a sacred cow" as my dad calls it. Something you don't talk about with each other. For Ty and myself its... hold onto your hats folks... football.
Did I marry a Ute? Yes. Did this Ute have any idea how crazy his wife was about BYU football? No. Not until he had the ring on her finger and she talked about a Holy War themed wedding complete with chili and nachos. I'm not joking.
The FIRST married fight we had was after the BYU v. Utah game. Let me give you a rundown of that morning.

Ty and Kat come to the agreement that each person would watch the game at their respective households and regardless of the outcome, the win or loss would not be discussed.

Tyler takes a shower and Kat writes the entire BYU fight song on the bathroom mirror with a blue dry erase marker.

Kat throws the red dry erase marker out the window.

Ty and Kat leave their apartment and head to the residence of their parents.

The game happens... to be fair both fans, their were calls and plays and decisions by players that both of do not like or agree with. ****NOTE**** Max Halls remarks about Utah fans is something I do NOT disagree with.

Ty and Kat come home and, due to both need/desire to be right... the game is discussed in detail. Tempers flare. Voices were raised. Fists were pounded. Statistics thrown down to promote the superiority of each persons respective team. It was pretty sketch.

Ty, as the sweetheart that he is, decides he concedes and says we can agree to disagree.

Kat logs onto facebook and reads all the BYU and Max Hall hater comments (I deleted more facebook friends that day than any other day.. seriously. Life long friendships were destroyed).

Basically these are my points:
1. If you like Utah, don't read my blog come the football season. I may be a pushover when it comes to some things, but I will throw down any time, any day with anyone if it involves football.

2. I cannot wait for football to start.

3. I will be blogging about football and my experiences on the regular.

4. I love BYU.

5. Don't bring religion into it. Football in and of itself is a religion. If you bring up God or Mormons than you clearly do not understand anything about football.

6. I love this video. You should all watch it.



  1. ...true story. How did I get so lucky? - Tyler

  2. can I just say this post completely made my day!!!
