Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Love is... starting a blog!

I suppose that starting a blog is one of those final transitions that Sir and I need to make in order to be accepted into the married folks club, like buying matching shirts and having weekly financial meetings and family councils.
Wish us (me) luck as I try to write about our lives, loves, and pursuits of happiness!


  1. blogging is fun! blog hopping is even better! That's how I found you!! :)

    P.S. Your wedding pics look amazing!!

  2. Oh my sweet Tiffany!! I am adding you to the list. I adore you.

  3. yup. totally read your entire blog right now. LOVED everything about it. I sure am glad we are friends. Sorry to be so annoying and post on everything.

  4. pretty sure i love you too much to ever find you annoying! i am glad we are friends and we get to make wedding centerpieces together!
