Monday, May 3, 2010

Love is...a self discovery

I feel like all of these things have recently taken place in our lives and now that I am sitting down to type... nothing is coming to mind.
I finished my finals! It feels like a weight off my shoulders and hopefully soon Ty can appreciate that feeling because his last two finals are today and tomorrow. HOORAY!
For the last few days we were relocated to my parents house. We had to get our bathtub replaced (which still isn't done 6 days later) and so... we needed a restroom facility for those days and ours was MIA, hence, the parents. We slept on the couch which wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be... except for I bummed around watching TV for too long.
I quit my raw foods diet... *sigh* quit sounds WAY too harsh. I postponed indefinitely my raw foods diet. I didn't really have the time or the money to eat anything but spinach salad and my raw homemade cookies. It was fun while it lasted, and it really was me and not the diet, but it was time to end things.
I have come to the conclusion that I need to take more pictures. Every since I met Ty, I feel like I have been on a mission of self discovery. Did anyone else feel like this when they got married? I am not trying to imply that Tyler makes it impossible for me to be myself, in fact, it is quite the opposite. Tyler was one of the first people in my life to love me, for me. Around Ty it's okay to be me and to dance in the kitchen and laugh my real laugh and just do goofy things. Also, it's more than just laughing. I feel like I am becoming me and more comfortable with my political views and design choices and fashion personality... and he likes it! How cool. Maybe I am just a late bloomer and all of you knew who you were and what defined you before you were married, but I am definitely on this long road and truthfully... I wouldn't have it any other way.
I found this picture of princess Diana and it completely describes how I feel a lot of the time. People around me expect me to do certain things, and act a certain way and even though those may all be good things, it's okay to be inappropriate sometimes. It's okay to laugh when no one else is laughing. It's okay to be honest with your emotions. Sorry if the photo is offensive... actually no. I'm not :)


  1. I felt like my true self really started to come out when I got married too- like Jamo's compatible personality was bringing out the best in me. And JUST as I was getting accustomed to this lovely declaration of personality, motherhood came and has begun to show me even MORE about myself. Like, as a newlywed I was coming into my ideal form, and as a mother I see what I'm REALLY like at the height of both joy and stress, and revealing what my heart expects and wants out of the future. It's been very enlightening to say the least. :) Lots of wonderful things to look forward to. Marriage rocks in that way, says I.

  2. p.s. sarah said the above, not Jamo. :)
